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local examinations 〔英國〕地方考試。

local exchange

After certain on - site investigation and inspection , the guangdong provincial department of foreign trade and economic cooperation shall hand out its decision upon seeking advice from local examination and inspection authorities 廣東省對外貿易經濟合作廳經現場勘察、審核,征求駐省檢查檢驗單位意見后,提出審批意見。

Dcs graduates may proceed to complete advanced diploma in computer studies ( validated and certified by university of cambridge local examination syndicate ( ucles ) and national computing centre , uk ( ncc ) 計算機學文憑獲得者可直接攻讀由劍橋大學考試委員會及英國國家計算中心頒發的計算機學高級文憑課程。

Established by the university of cambridge in 1858 , the university of cambridge local examinations syndicate ( ucles ) is a world leader in the field of educational assessment 劍橋大學考試委員會成立于1858年,隸屬英國劍橋大學是國際著名的教育考試機構。

Examinations are conducted by university of cambridge local examination syndicate ( ucles ) in april , august and december 劍橋大學考試委員會安排的計算機學考試于每年的四月、八月、十二月統一舉行。